Horse Racing

Onward Eastwardish (I just made that word up) making a slight detour to Cynthiana, Kentucky, to visit friends before we get back on track for New Hampshire. The day started out bright and the purple trees decorated the Interstate as we drove. And we have now entered the Eastern Time Zone.


Interstate 74

It looks like we are on a slow casino roll across the country. We could park overnight at Walmarts but casinos are much more interesting. And as long as they are along the way we like to stay there. Tonight we are at Indiana Grand Racing & Casino just southeast of Indianapolis, Indiana.


Indiana Grand Racing & Casino.

The racing season is just beginning and we arrived in time to watch the last few races of the day. It had just rained and the track was pretty sloppy.



There were a few sprinkles but the clouds were moving out as the horses return after the race.


Returning after the race.

Look hard and you can see this was a double rainbow above the RV.


Indiana Grand Racing and Casino

  • Distance:  236 miles
  • Gasoline:  $75 @ $2.02
  • Lodging:  free
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2 Responses to Horse Racing

  1. Your race photos are amazing!


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