Borders and Bears

Yesterday we crossed into Canada and just drove all day on the Alaska highway until we got to Haines Junction, Canada.  This time at the border crossing we were only asked three questions:  Where are you headed today? Any animals on board?  Any weapons? And then we were on our way.

Canada Border Crossing

Canada Border Crossing

The next 80 miles of the Alaska highway were the worst, and we knew we were in for it. Even driving 30-40 miles per hour the motor home was rockin’ and rollin’ and I can’t say for sure that no tire ever went airborne along that stretch of road.  The rig held up well in spite of it all but some of the contents of the cabinets and the refrigerator did rearrange themselves.

The Alaska Highway

The Alaska Highway

I fell for this speed trap on the way up to Alaska but not on the return trip.  Look’s a plywood cutout of the police car, not at all real.

Speed Trap?

Speed Trap?

About an hour before reaching Haines, Alaska, is the U.S. Border Crossing.  This time we were asked 6 questions and they wanted to know if we had any fresh fruits or vegetables that we bought in Canada, which we did not.  They also want to know if we were carrying more than $10,000 with us, which we were not.

U.S. Border Crossing, Alaska

U.S. Border Crossing, Alaska

A few fish wheels can be seen operating along the route.  These turn and scoop up any fish that swim through it and slides them off to the side into a bucket for the owner. Slick.

Fish Wheel


Oceanside RV will be our home for the next three nights.  There’s a great view of the water, the small boat harbor and the cruise ship dock.


Oceanside RV, Haines, AK

Finally, Bears!  There is a great place to view bears about 6 miles down the road from our campground so we drove out there to see.  This mama and her cub walked out of the woods right behind us as soon as we got there.

Mama Grizzly and Her Cub

Mama Grizzly and Her Cub

The clouds just won’t go away.  At least it did not rain on us today.  Temps have been around 45-50.


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